Enrolment Application

Enrolling at East Wanneroo Primary School

To enrol your child at our school complete an Application for Enrolment form. Once your child’s enrolment has been accepted, you will then be required to complete further enrolment documentation.

Evidence of your child’s age is required when submitting an application to enrol your child. Supporting documentation required:

  • birth certificate or extract of birth and/or passport and/or visa if applicable.
  • immunisation records
  • Family Court orders
  • medical records where applicable (e.g. asthma, allergies).

Proof of residence

We accept the following as evidence of residential address:

  • utilities payment advice
  • lease agreement – minimum lease of three months
  • proof of ownership of property (for example rates notice, deeds, mortgage)
  • drivers licence
  • statutory declaration.


Although Kindergarten is not a compulsory year of school, more than 98% of West Australian children attend because it helps give them the best possible start to school. Children are eligible for Kindergarten if they turn four years old by 30 June in that year. There is no provision for early entry into Kindergarten.


It is not the role of East Wanneroo Primary School to interpret or police court orders, or to mediate disputes between parents. The school’s role is to provide for the education of the student and their safety and welfare while in the school’s care and control. If there are custodial court papers in place for a child it is vital to inform the principal of the access provisions. Written documentation including copies of court orders and relevant legal documents must be provided on enrolment. The school must be notified of any changes.