Health & Medication


Administration of Medicine

Asthma Management Form


Parents are required by The School Education Act (1999) to provide their child’s up-to-date Australian Childhood Immunisation Register history statement record, that is not more than two months old to the school.

If you have chosen not to immunise your child you are still required to provide the school with an ACIR certificate stating that no vaccinations have been given.

You should provide your child’s records to ACIR if your child has been immunised overseas.

Recent legislative changes to the Public Health Act 2016 and School Education Act 1999 state that to enrol a child in Kindergarten, parents/carers must supply an Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) history statement showing a status of ‘up to date’ and dated within two months of enrolment.

To assist your planning, a summary of the legislative changes pertaining to Kindergarten enrolments is below.

What is required to enrol a Kindergarten student under the new legislation? (No Jab, No Play)

  • Children will need to have an ‘up to date’ Australian Immunisation Record (AIR) history statement which is not more than two months old.
  • For children with approved medical exemption to a vaccine, or with natural immunity to a specific disease; and those on an approved catch-up schedule, their Australian Immunisation Record (AIR) history statement will be marked as ‘up to date’.
  • Where a child does not have an AIR which is ‘up to date’, they may apply to their school for an exemption because of particular family circumstances. Circumstances for exemption will be described in the exemption.
  • Exempted children will be able to commence Kindergarten, but once enrolled, the Department of Health will follow up with these families to support them in accessing local immunisation services to bring them up to date.
  • The Department of Health will provide a form for schools to use to approve these exemptions.

For further assistance on how to obtain an immunisation history statement please contact The Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) on 1800 653 809 free call from landline only or online

Student Health Care Management

It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to provide the school with written information relevant to the health of their child. An emergency plan will be developed for students with serious medical conditions. Such a plan will result following consultation between parent or guardian, family doctor and school. The school must be notified immediately if medical information changes.

The Department of Education has a strict policy on the administering of medication in schools. No staff member is allowed to give a child medication unless the correct forms have been completed by parents for short term medication or prescribing doctor if medication is long term.

Parents can obtain the Administration of Short Term Medication form and other forms can be sourced from the school office.

All medication must be identifiable and clearly marked with your child’s name and dosage required. 

When not to bring your child

The following information will give you an idea as to when your child can return to school should they contract any of the listed common infectious illnesses below. In most cases children can be 
re-admitted with a medical certificate stating that the child is no longer able to pass on the infection.

Conjunctivitis:Exclude from school ~ highly contagious. Child can
return to school when discharge has stopped.
Chicken Pox:Infectious from 5 days before the spots appear to 6 days after the last crop of blisters. Exclude from school until at least 10 days after the first ‘spot’ appears.
German Measles:Exclude from school for at least 4 days after the onset of the rash.
School Sores:A bacterial infection, transmitted by direct contact. Child should remain home until all sores are healed.
Measles:Child may be re-admitted with a Medical Certificate of recovery or at least 7 days after the appearance of the rash.
Head Lice (Pediculosis)Child may return to school when hair is treated and free from lice.  Please refer to information available from the office.
Ringworm:     Child may return on recovery with a Medical Certificate stating the child is no longer likely to convey the infection.