What is the P&C?
The Parents & Citizens Committee (P&C) is the voice of parents and citizens. A lot can, and has been achieved through the P&C and our school working together towards common goals. To continue this important work, our P&C needs people from all walks of life, who are committed to delivering great outcomes for our children and our school. We welcome anyone that shares an interest in our school, and believe that everyone’s opinion is valuable and everyone has an important role to play. The more people involved, the more exciting and successful it will be. Research shows that children perform better at school when their parents/guardians are involved. It is equally beneficial to parents/carers, as not only is it a lot of fun, but you can also form friendships with other like-minded parents, receive valuable work experience, retain and provide new skills, and improve your wellbeing by being a part of your school community.
Decisions affecting your child’s school are made at General Committee Meetings, which are held twice a term. Everyone is welcome at these meetings, and for only 20c a year, you can become a financial member of the P&C, which allows members the opportunity to vote and have your voice heard regarding your child’s education and the school. We love new faces, which brings new ideas and opinions which is important for continuous improvement, so please feel free to join us. Our wonderful Principal Dorothy McKee attends our meetings, and is available to answer questions. The date and time of the next meeting will be available on the school newsletter and the P&C Facebook page.
What does a P&C do?
Schools have their own budgets, but invariably, more is required than the budget allows, and that’s where the P&C becomes a really valuable partner. Voluntary yearly fees and fundraising efforts are a powerful way in which the P&C helps our school get the much-needed additional resources – from extra library books, to a shade cloth over a play area, new interactive whiteboards and even a new nature play space.
School fundraising can take many forms, from product drives to special event stalls like the Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day stalls. The P&C puts on a wide array of events for the school community to enjoy each year. These events provide numerous benefits that contribute to building a strong school community. All money raised by our P&C will be used for the benefit of the school, however as a member, you get to vote on how the funds are dispersed, that ultimately benefit your child.
The East Wanneroo P&C also hold a volunteer run Food Day lunch service for all students every Wednesday.
To be a successful P&C we need your ideas, experience and expertise, so please feel free to join us. We look forward to seeing you soon.
You can keep up with the latest P&C news by following us on Facebook
East Wanneroo Primary School P&C | Facebook
Or get in touch via email on ewpspcpresident@gmail.com